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                      Equipping Gods People Too 

                   Invade, Occupy, Influence, 

               and Establish Kingdom Culture

Must Be Kingdom International Ministry was established by God for the, Building up, Edifying, Teaching, and Affirming of God's people. To walk in the identity given to them by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By Renewing the mind and healing the soul by the Holy Spirits, chains break away from people trapped in darkness. It is our mission to empower and educate God's people from all walks of life to walk in the power and authority given to them by Christ Jesus.
   Must Be Kingdom International Ministry is an International faith-based ministry, we are not a church we're a movement. We believe in the Kingdom principles of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our goal is to develop and provide a strategic streamline that stimulates and motivates the people of God to build a deeper relationship with Him, and to activate the gifts lying within them through bible studies, mentorship, training and teachings, prayer, and the power of the Holy Spirit. We are seeing the lives of many people as well as families being changed. 
    Deliverance and Healing was a key part of the ministry of Jesus Christ. The super-natural power within Christ healed and delivered, and that power we move in brings healing and deliverance to those wanting a new life that only Christ can give. 


Able Teklai

Seattle WA

This ministry empowered me with the confidence to understand that my salvation was sure and that the Most High God Himself is intimately involved in my life. I found scriptures in the Bible come alive like never before. This ministry also gave me the confidence to rely on the Holy Spirit to take back enemy territory for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Paul Weeks

Seattle Wa

I have to say Anthony that you are really separating the wheat from the chaff. And it's high time that someone steps up and says it like it is..

Cindy S

New York  NY

I have been following this ministry for 8 yrs. I have grown so much and through Prophet, I have been healed and freed from things that have controlled me and I also have a peace  I've never experience. Thank you MBKI

Upcoming Meetings


         Every Wednesday, 6:00 pm pst, 9:00 pm est

         Kingdom Encounter

18635 8th Ave S, #505

Des Moines, WA 98148

 Live on Facebook and YouTube 



        Kingdom Gathering        

 Every Saturday, 11:00 am 

  18635 8th Ave S, #505

Des Moines, WA 98148




Listen in to some powerful teachings. The anointing of heaven will penetrate the heart and transform you from the inside out

Hour of Power

Click on the shop button and create an account. Shop till you drop. YOU MUST COME TO THIS PAGE AND CLICK SHOP IN THE FUTURE TO ENTER THE ABBA OIL WEBSITE. This is how the ministry gets paid... 

(206) 659-1841‬

918 Horton St #1012

Seattle WA 98134

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